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iMIS is purposely designed to be an Engagement Management System (EMS), built to directly connect you to your members and supporters, and them to you.

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There's a constant theme of "too much work and not enough staff."Call on the experts at Get Efficient. We'll guide you through the maze of process improvement.

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The first online platform able to manage the complex requirements of ANY certificate, certification, accreditation or micro-credential program!

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  • 20 Members/Candidates Served

Get Started with Get Efficient Today.

How can we help?
  • Streamlined Processes
  • iMIS Implementation and Upgrades
  • Simplified Certification Management
  • Best Practices built with years of experience
  • ... Just ask our clients!
When we looked at resources to upgrade our certification programs, we needed to find someone that not only could handle the complex business rules, the complexity of integration with our iMIS database, and our intricate user requirements but also had a proven track record and expertise in the certification field. Certification Bank proved to be that resource and have built 4 very different certification programs that have met all our needs.-Frank Baca, Texas Association of Counties
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"NEA went from zero candidates to over 20,000 using Certification Bank.  There is no way we could manage the growth without this amazing tool.  Thank you Get Efficient, Thank you Annie!"- Brandy Bixler
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